Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I got a fever and the only prescription is more bloggin’…

I don’t know about you but that was fun! All day I was thinking about the blog and what I can do with it. I was excited to come home and start working on the template for the site. That didn't happen. Yea...but instead I decided there wasn't enough good sun to go to the pool so I took a nap.

This summer I have dedicated a lot of my time at the pool. It's a simple schedule. Work, nap at the pool and then go out or whatever. Two birds with one stone. Badda Bing, Badda Boom. I guess it is kind of weird for a guy to have a summer goal of getting a decent tan. Why the hell not, right? Generally every year I'm pretty caspery. The only legit tan I've ever had was when I went on my AZ/San Diego trip like what....6+ years ago? I don't even think I'll come close to that tan, especially with the color in the face. AZ sun treats you well over there. I'm quite satisfied with my sun exposure for this summer.

I was into Zoolander at the time. How's my blue steel? Pretty dead on, right? 

Coming Attractions...

I really wanna do my movie segment now but I blew off exercising to do the blog last night. Speaking of which, I think I'm going to try to do two movies each time. I wanna try to keep it balanced with one bad movie and one good movie. If I didn't, then I know I would lean towards wanting to bash more than praise. I'll leave you with the trailers. I want you to watch them both and let it soak in for tomorrow. I think you can figure out which one is the good and bad movie. Click the link below the poster for the YouTube trailer.

I was going to do "Contagion" but I changed my mind. I will get back to that. Final Destination 5 comes out on Friday and I wanted to be sure I cover it before then. That's the rule I think for this blog. It will be movies that haven't been released yet. Who knows...maybe I'll go back to non new releases. So now it may be a little more difficult to figure out which one I think is the good or bad movie.

Next Time...

The London riots came to Fairfax Town Center. The only thing that was burned to the ground was this movie promo. I was there before the mayhem ensued.