Monday, August 13, 2012

You Could Use a Cup of My Famous Java

I was so fucking tired today at work. Yesterday when I was tasked to do something at work at 6:30 in the morning, I said "shit." This morning when I woke up and remembered I had to start a task in an hour and a half, I said "FUCK." Doing work wasn't the problem. The problem was that I walked in the door and had to meet with people right away. I wasn't able to properly wake up with my glorious Dunkin Donuts coffee that I get to brew at my desk. Our communal coffee is worse than what Cypher makes. Seriously, it's wretched.

Good for two things: Degreasing engines and killing brain cells
I wasn't able to have a cup of DD until about 8:30. I know. So sad. When I complained about it on Facebook, someone called me an addict. I really am not an addict, I just drink it when I need to be awake. I just wasn't able to wake up at 11 A.M. like they did. I was in a total zombiatic state. I am generally not a morning person. I really am not. I am extremely antisocial and want everyone to leave me the fuck alone. That is, when I'm extremely more tired than normal. Fortunately for me I stayed busy and the day blew by. Yay!

NPR told me about a great new (to me) app called Songza. So far I am thoroughly impressed. You can check it out via their website and Android/iPhone app. I have a big music collection, so I never know what I specifically want to listen to. I like the randomness of XM Radio and Pandora. So this helps you pick what music you want to listen to based off what setting you are currently in. You click on a setting and it breaks down into more subcategories. Check it out.

Don't forget to full screen the trailer so you don't go blind trying to watch it.

I never pictured Diane Kruger as Marie Antoinette. After watching the trailer I can say she is far hotter and better suited than Kirsten Dunst ever was. Let's get the giggling about sexy time out of the way. I'm not gonna pretend that I'm not looking forward to Diane Kruger literally getting tongue tied in this movie... If you get my drift. After some quick Googling, I was ignornant to the fact that apparently Marie Antoinette was actually a lesbian. Who knew? It is rated R for brief graphic nudity and language. With that said, skin-a-max movies don't get 92%. It will be much more than royal scissoring. I do always enjoy movies that film in this time period. Farewell, My Queen is playing in Bethesda, MD, West End Cinema in D.C. and at Shirlington theater in Arlington.

This looks fantastic. It looks like Where the Wild Things Are but in the South. It's going to be one of those movies where half of what is happening is reality and the other half is his childhood imagination. I wish I could say more. The trailer speaks for itself. It is showing at random theaters sprinkled throughout the area.

One movie trope that is used quite often is the "manic pixie dream girl." Wikipedia describes it as "The Manic Pixie Dream Girl (MPDG) is a stock character in films. Film critic Nathan Rabin, who coined the term after seeing Kirsten Dunst in Elizabethtown (2005), describes the MPDG as "that bubbly, shallow cinematic creature that exists solely in the fevered imaginations of sensitive writer-directors to teach broodingly soulful young men to embrace life and its infinite mysteries and adventures." MPDGs are said to help their men without pursuing their own happiness, and such characters never grow up, thus their men never grow up." I for one love this trope and fully embrace it. Fortune would have it that there is some MPDG action in this film. Ruby Sparks is directed by the same guys who did Little Miss Sunshine. So right there that is a plus. They are reusing Paul Dano, which I think is great too. Ever since Little Miss Sunshine he has slowly but surely been building a name for himself (There Will Be Blood, The Good Heat, Being Flynn.) It just seems like the perfect sappy indie rom-com that I am a damn sucker for. It is showing everywhere.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of...