Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Wish This Was About Bill Murray. I Really Do.


I really enjoy it when comedians take on serious roles. I LOVE when comedians take on serious roles and do it really well. Many comedians have done it. To name a few, we have Bill Murray (Name any Wes Anderson film, Lost in Translation), Will Ferrel (Stranger Than Fiction, Everything Must Go) and Jim Carrey (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.) (God, I love Bill Murray. I really do.) It could be argued that when these comedians do these roles, that it blows away any famously silly movie they've done in the past. I think it's great to see that Andy Samberg is trying out this route as well. From what I've seen, it appears he may actually be able to pull it off in this dram-com. This is only playing at Landmark E-Street Cinema in D.C.


Usually before I write about a particular movie I'll do a little research. IMDB, Rotton Tomatoes and  Moviefone are the top sites I hit first. I love doing it because I come across high rated movies I have never seen or heard of. Julie Deply is a perfect example of this. I only really remember Julie Delpy from Killing Zoe and An American Werewolf in Paris. After looking her up, I'm impressed with what she has done and how well she has been doing them. She was in Before Sunrise (100%) with Ethan Hawke. They were both in After Sunset (95%), but helped write it this time. For 2 Days in New York, I didn't know this was a sequel to 2 Days in Paris, in which she writes and directs both films. You research one film and now you have to watch four instead of one. Like Andy Samberg, it is good to see Chris Rock doing something like this. For right now the only closest showing of this is in MD, but should be hitting E-Street theater fairly soon.


Out of Spike Lee's latest films, 25th Hour and Inside Man were by faarrr the best things he's done in a while. I absolutely loved them. What's funny about the Red Hook Summer trailer is that it names six other films that he has done besides the ones that I have mentioned. Spike Lee has gone back to doing what he knows best... and does so very well. Spike Lee has always stood out as a different type of director. I look forward to checking this out. It is only showing at the AMC Hoffman theater in Alexandria. 

Stay tuned...