Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.

How much you want to make a bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
It's been nine days since I've posted! Ah! Where does the time go? I know everyone has been eagerly waiting for my next post. I haven't really had time to watch new trailers, let alone pick out which ones to cover. I'll make up for it next time.

I feel like there are three major things that people take very seriously in their life.

Been there. Done that. I was raised Catholic and it didn't take. I wouldn't say I'm atheist. I guess I would say that I'm agnostic. I really have a lot gripes about religion. It isn't only the terrorists and fanatics that take a shit on a good concept so that they can twist it to get people to do what they want. Do yourself a favor and watch "Religulous" and some George Carlin stand up on religion. Both are pretty spot on (AHH! They are such leftist liberals!...is what you'll probably say). I really will not get into religion right now because then this blog would be very, very long. I would like to come back to this at some point though.

I never used to give a rat's ass about politics. It was quite ignorant of me but I really could have cared less. I was raised republican and would just vote for whomever's ballot my mom handed to me. I am sad to say that I voted TWICE for Dubya. While it seems like Obama isn't mounting up to the President everyone hoped he would be, I don't regret that decision...yet. Not until recently have I really begun to care about politics. I guess it has something to do with age. After much reading from BOTH sides, I have gone to the dark side of the "godless" democrats. Again, another post I would like to cover more on.

Ah-ha! The point of this post! Sports should be categorized under religion because to a lot of people, they really are not that much different. I've never really been a super huge sports guy. I played street hockey when I was younger and ice hockey in high school. I religiously followed the NHL around that time as well. Around the time of the strike, I stopped watching. I always kind of wanted to follow other sports but never really cared enough to really make an effort. I was always more interested with the social aspect of the game...UNTIL NOW (dum dum dummmmm). Step back people, big life changing step here. I've always been kinda interested in doing fantasy football. I would either miss the deadline or not have anyone to do it with.

Terrible sport movie reference but this is one of the "terri-greats"
Oh god, I'm sorry but I love Sudden Death. It was right around the time I was obsessed with the NHL and Van Damme. This movie is awesomely terri-great that I can't even begin to describe. Sorry, back to the point. So when my friend Scott mentioned he was starting a fantasy league with his family and friends, I couldn't help but jump on board. My team name is "Ned Philanders"...I know, pretty clever if I do say so myself. We did our draft on Sunday and I didn't really have any idea what the hell I was doing haha. I was proud of myself that I got first pick and got Adrian Peterson. Watch him get injured first game or some bullshit. But yea, I am excited about it because it is something new for me. I look forward to wasting my time doing research on players and actually following games for a purpose. Even though we aren't doing one for money, I think it will be a great learning experience nonetheless.