Friday, August 10, 2012

One Year of Blogging and Burning All My School Supplies

I'M BACK...after not blogging for 8 months. In a totally coincidental, not planned, just so happen to be turn of events, today is my one year anniversary of the start of this blog. It's been a really bloggy year! All (now) 18 posts! Really. I didn't plan it. I have a logical explanation for my lack of posts; Collegery (pronunced kuh-lee-juh-ree). It's a word. Look it up*. Pertaining to school. But anyway, I'm done. School is great and all, but FUCK school. It may be hard to see it in the gif above, but all my school supplies, backpack, etc are in that fire burning away to nothingness. The guy in the pic is me telling my academic life to take care.

I'm done with school, job is going well, I want to travel, and I want to watch a ton of movies that are out right now. Which brings me back to why we are here right now. I have probably watched a couple movies this summer due to finishing up school. Off the top of my head: Moonrise Kingdom: FANTASTIC! and The Dark Knight Rises: I'm sorry, it just wasn't that good. If you think it is better than the first two then let me convince you otherwise. There are a SHITLOAD of good looking movies out there right now (and on the horizon) and I must watch them all. Off the top of my head I think there are at least ten movies I want to talk about. By the end of this weekend I want to get them all listed on here. 

For those of you who may have read this blog in the past may notice that the layout is a little different. Hopefully you'll find it a little more aesthetically pleasing to your pretty eyes. In terms of content, that may be mixed up a little bit. I still want to (and I will) bash movies, because we all know there are a lot of terrible, terrible, terrible movies out there. For right now though, there are a lot of movies I want to cover. I may do movie reviews here and there. Who knows. One new thing I will be discussing will be TV shows. I've really started to watch GOOD (IMO*) TV shows that are out there over the last year or so. So that'll be a topic of conversation at a later date. I'll just add shit as I please. So read and enjoy it. I just want you to know what to expect.

If you know me then you'll know that I will be discussing ALLLLL about this in good time.
I hope to post as often as I can. Now that I actually have a life again that isn't related to school, that actually may happen on a regular basis. Let's keep our fingers crossed. In any case, it is good to get this blog going again. I look forward to all three of you reading it. 

*It's not really a word. I hope you didn't actually look it up.  
*In my opinion