Tuesday, August 21, 2012

He Stands Bewildered, Virtually Buried in Sunlight

Listen to this while you read. You'll probably be done reading before it is over. Keep listening. It's a nice little background ditty.

Today when I was heading back from the beach, I was going through Norfolk via a long tunnel. I couldn't help think of THX 1138. Actually, I think about that movie every time I go into a really long tunnel. 

Right before I started this post, my office chair fell of my bed and slammed onto the floor. It's not important why it was on the bed in the first place. I'm lucky my hard drives' platters didn't collide into each other.

Dramatic Reenactment 
Went to the beach this weekend with the family. It was the first big family trip we've ever had with my extended family. It was a good time. The sun wasn't out that much. When it was, it was damn nice out. The house was pretty sweet. I really enjoyed the crow's nest that was five stories up. It gave me a chance to use the panorama feature on my camera that I never get to use. They aren't mind blowing or anything. It is just a cool little setting to play with. 

I recently came across a band called Teengirl Fanstay. They fall under the electronic genre. I'm never good at putting music into sub-genres, so we'll just say electronic. NPR Music is featuring their new CD, "Tracer." I was going to say how awesome it is but I have been listening to it as have been typing this. Not really that impressed so far. So instead, take a listen to their CD "7AM", which isn't too shabs. I should also mention about Tom Cruise, whom I just also recently came across. They are pretty damn good. Here is a little bit of their new cd "In Decay." This all may not be your cup of tea. If not, refer to the back to the Bach piece at the top. You're a moron if you don't like any type of classical music. No. Really. You are if you don't. 

I'm sucking at trying to catch up to what is coming out but I'll get there eventually. Pardon my lack blurbs for each one. I REALLY am looking forward to seeing Robot & Frank, Your Sister's Sister and Chicken with Plums.

Out Now:






This probably needs a little defending. Robert Pattinson will forever be tied to and remembered for the Twilight (the flaming pile of dog shit) saga. He is trying to have people take him seriously. I can respect that. I'll give him a real chance. He must be able to do something if David Cronenberg (A History of Violence, Eastern Promises, A Dangerious Method) picked him. I guess we'll see.  

Next Time: