Next week classes begin again. I'm happy to say that it is my last year of undergrad. JESUS....finally. It will have only taken ten years! Go me! No, but really. I blame the high school me for getting into several fender benders. That in turn led to me getting my own car insurance with Progressive at 17/18. Geico would have otherwise cancelled my parent's coverage if I didn't get dropped off their plan. So when my insurance was at $550/month, that was when my Dad thought it would be a great time for me to start getting a job. Cue: the restaurant world. Not before working at Famous Footwear for three months...which SUCKED. The highlights of that job was: 1. Discounted shitty shoes 2. Accidentally giving away a kid's shoes to other customers while his mom was looking for new shoes to get him. After his shoes "magically" disappeared, she didn't get anything after all and he walked out of the store in his socks. Not one of my finer moments. 3. Absentmindedly putting a customer's check back into their bag, giving them free shoes 4. Being soooo bored that we got into the first aid kit and wanted to see what smelling salts smelt like (a kick to the face) and 5. Making a rubber band ball the size a softball.
At the time my sister was working at Macaroni Grill and said how amazing the money was. So that's where I went. The rest is kind of history and has blown by at an extremely scary rate. Nine years and two restaurants later, here we are. In a way serving tables is addicting. It is quick money and hanging out with people who mainly just wanna party all the time. It definitely was a huge learning experience in many different ways. The server employee turnover rate is generally pretty high. So when you stay in one place for a while, you meet a WIDE spectrum of individuals. I have met a lot of people I am still keep in touch with today because I think they are good people. So when you are living out of the nest for the first time and making just enough to pay rent/bills, travel and have a good time, school doesn't really seem that high of a priority to you. Just to make the parents happy, you take a class here and there, skip a semester, take another class here and there, skip a semester...etc. Friends start graduating college and you are like "Oh shit. It's ok though. I won't be that far behind." Then you kinda just get comfortable for a while with the server lifestyle. I'm a patient person so I can do the same redundant shit for a while. Well after that while, shit got redundant. Then you kinda freak out and ask yourself what the fuck you are doing with you life. I eventually woke up and started to get the ball rolling for real with school. So after reminding yourself that the serving gig was supposed to be temporary, having a quarterly life crisis, dating certain individuals who helped you strive to do better for yourself and getting your shit in order, you finally see the academic finish line. Better late than never, right? Sure.
Back to school...back to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool.
So like I said, it's the last year of undergrad. I already can't wait for it to be over. Before I know it, this year will blow by like all the others. I can't say that I regret the way I have gone, but part of me always wanted to do the four year college life experience. That's not to say that I haven't met plenty of amazing people, have a lot of fun stories to tell and done my fair share of partying. Things have really turned around for me in the last year and half in regards to school and finding a legit bomb job that I will be able to transition into a more serious role once I graduate. So I couldn't be happier about that. So I guess this is the home stretch for school. That is until grad school comes along. I'm totally not opposed to the idea of going back to school since my job does pay for you to go.
On with the show!
Underworld: Awakening 3D
A quick note about 3D. Kill me already. They are really shoving 3D down your throat and it does not wow me at all. It was cool for two seconds. I've been over it since Avatar. Give me more IMAX movies and less 3D. I will pay $15 for IMAX, not for 3D. I dislike it but I know those who HATE it and for good reason. I need to post my friend Scott's article he did on 3D for a Thai newspaper he reviews films for. He covers it nicely.
You don't even need the 3D glasses. It is painfully obvious when they are adding in the effect.
So a terrible movie series these days isn't complete unless it's (hopefully) last installment is in 3Deee-eee-eee (echoing). Wait a second. This is the 4th movie but it has "3D" in the title? That is a little misleading. I was under the impression that 3D implied that it was the third movie in the series and it was in 3D! See how they did that? Clever marketing, guys. Whatever. The third one did have Rhona Mitra instead, so that doesn't count. Side note: She is arguably WAY hotter than our girl Kate.
"Phew! Thanks guy, for conveniently having all my clothes here for me to put back on just in case I happen to get out!"
So fortunately for us, Underworld is making sure we get some more awesome vampire 3D action. You know how much we need more vampire movies right about know. Kate Beckinsale has always been very hot. Especially compared to Bella. You could stand up a cardboard cut out of her and no one would know the difference in her acting.
I'll admit, a hot girl in tight leather who is firing multiple guns at once is always very hot. Good thing she didn't do it that much in the last three movies...
Uh oh, everyone! It's a fish out of water story for the hot vampire who thought she knew the world she lived in. Now watch as she tries to make heads or tails of her new crazy life. Let's hope she gets to bang the werewolf again! Tune in tonight at 9 on the WB!
On another side note directed towards the people who make movie trailers: Can we really stop with this extremely over used Adobe After Effects effect. Where some 3D object is spinning in the background with text in the foreground. Who was the first trailer to do this? X-Men? Resident Evil? It is probably just me but when you see the same thing over and over again in trailers, it just takes away from the fun. It also really categorizes the type of movie you are going to be watching...and I don't mean that in a good way.
Have your world end a little bit early in 2012 in...Underworld!