Thursday, August 18, 2011

Nice to meet you. I'm Autumn.

Note: This is my first time making my own .gifs (animated images). I made them larger than I should I have. They may take a moment to load. They are optimized for Chrome, so in any other browser they may seem to go faster or slower than they should.

At a certain point, you stop feeling bad about how things didn't go your way and are out of your control. I think you really get to know someone when you are no longer their friend. You see their good and bad side. When you get to see both sides that is when you really know what that person is really like. Then again, what can you expect from younger aged individuals? That's not meant to be a slam, it is just the truth. Not to say I'm some wise old sage. I just like to think I have more of a perspective than those younger than myself. I'm sure some could argue that point. That is the thing though. It is not that they are childish or an immature person. They are just young minded. They just do what is right for them without really thinking about the ripple effect. You hope that somewhere down the line they gain that experience and perspective to see that they did stupid shit when they were younger.

There are those out there that can do a good job of not showing how they really feel about something. They get a deep cut on their finger. Instead of getting stitches on that finger, they just cut off the hand so they don't have to deal with the finger anymore. Tossing things under the rug and leaving them in limbo to never think about is not really a logical resolution. That does not work in the real world. Running away from your problems just gives you a false sense of security. Not to say that people run away from all their problems. Only the ones they can't control. That's what it comes down to; control.

There are a million reasons why people act the way they do. It could be how they were raised, treated as a child, things that happened in their life...etc. Going from general to specific, someone could be very good at their academic and professional career. While it is does take work, you can control how well you do in that aspect. You know for a fact if you do A, B, and C, then X, Y, and Z will happen. It is good to be brought up to be a hard worker and how to be successful in the business world. After a while though, it becomes a problem when that IS your life. When stress is your number one enemy, you make things way more difficult for yourself than they ever need to be. At the same time, it is that double edge sword. It pushes you to do your best and get the business/academic world. You know what the end result will be. In your social life though, you are not always in control of what stressful situations come your way. Depending on the event, you don't know what the outcome is going to be nor do you know how to effectively deal with it on the social level. So you totally shutdown and toss it to the side. When you can't effectively interact with people outside a business element during stressful times that cause you to buckle and shutdown, that may point to some signs that some key social elements were never really learned as they grew up. It gets to the point to where they begin to talk to people like they are a job interview. After a while they are better at being a business professional than someone who can effectively socialize with someone when times are rough. I digress back to cutting off hands.

This is not meant to be some way of bashing. I'm sure it makes me sound bitter because a friendship wasn't able to continue. I still am in a way. I'd like to think that is only natural. It is just my way of trying to make sense of why people do the things that they do. After a while I'd like to say that you get to know someone pretty well. In that time you are able to observe how someone is and can be. In the end, when there were more bad moments than good you wonder if it all was worth it. I like to focus on people's positivity more than their negativity. We are all fucked up in our own way. I'm the last person to try and judge anyone. I think it was worth it.

 I thought I would add this because even though it is only several seconds long, it is my favorite of the whole movie. It is beautifully shot with the lighting and rain.
I recently watched (500) Days of Summer. I hadn't seen it in some time. It is definitely worth checking out. It is one of my favorites in it's genre. I'm fucking cheesy and sappy as all hell but I found it appropriate and somewhat relevant to the blog today. Plus I wanted to give you some eye candy since I'm boring the hell out of you with this actual BLOG. Haha....sorry.

Next Time:

Going out tomorrow to get wastefaced. Haven't done that in some time. Should be a good old time. Looking forward it.

As you've noticed I have adopted these animated gifs. I am quite enjoying them and did go a little overboard with geocities-ing/myspacing this blog. It's a fun way to keep it interesting, especially since we discuss movies here....for the most part.

I'm spent after this blog and it should not be any longer than it already is. I'll have some movie goodies for you next time. I promise. I was thinking 50/50 and Conan (even though it comes out tomorrow). We'll see. Night all.